
"end of the road"

(a poem for Gladys)

I wish, I am a masochist
who can endure all the pain,
that is self inflicted,
and find pleasure through my wounds
so that I could not feel
this knife stabbed in my heart

I wish, I could withstand
this journey of my heart
to treat you as a friend,
to act like I do not care
to pretend-of not loving you
when in fact, I really do

I wish to the stars
in this sweet cold night,
to bring me to slumber
so that I could be in my dreamland,
in my heaven, with my angel,
gazing in the night sky
holding hands together
in eternity
unlocking the shackles
of this bitter reality.

I wish, to walk in your pilgrimage
to follow my dream, my desire
to follow my heart, my happiness - my life
even if enigmatic roads would daze me,
and the heat could bring me to oblivion,
I will not languish, will not succumb
‘cause there’s a hope in me
that at the end of this road,
you’re there…waiting for me…
for the time to love...the time to express
the words “I love you”

These wishes,
maybe too whimsical,
denude my heart
of its beats in lunacy;
give me the strength
to finish this journey
and lead me
to the end of the road,
to the finish line-your heart,
to the happily ever after
of our fairy tale -
our love story.
